Residency by Property Investment

Property acquisition is the most common way for acquiring a Greek Golden Visa.

Key Points

  • Residence permit granted for 5 years
  • Minimum value of the real estate property is 250.000€, to be paid in full upon the signing of the contract
  • Possibility of leasing the property
  • Possibility of permit renewal, provided that the real estate property remains in the ownership and possession of the third-country national. Periods of absence from the country shall not disrupt the renewal of the residence permit.
  • The resale of the real estate property during the period of validity of the residence permit to another third-country national shall provide the residence permit right to the new buyer with simultaneous withdrawal of the vendor's residence permit.
  • The residence permits do not establish the right of access to any form of employment

Who are considered family members

  • Spouses
  • Other spouse or partner with whom a third-country national has a cohabitation agreement in Greece
  • Direct unmarried descendants of the spouses, under the age of 21
  • Direct unmarried descendants of the supporter or of the other spouse/partner, provided that their custody has been legally entrusted to the sponsor (for his/her children) and to the other partner (for his/her children), under 21 years of age
  • Direct relatives of the spouses in the ascending line


Third country nationals who:

  • have legally entered the country with any type of visa or legally reside Greece
  • have personally the full ownership, possession and peaceful enjoyment of real estate property in Greece
  • In case of jointly owned property worth 250.000€, the right of residence is granted only if the owners of the property are spouses with indivisible shares in the property. In all other cases of joint ownership, the right of residence is granted only if the joint ownership rate of each joint owner is worth 250.000€.
  • have the full ownership, possession and peaceful enjoyment of real estate property in Greece via a legal entity, whose shares are fully owned by them
  • have concluded an agreement for at least a ten year lease of hotel accommodation or furnished tourist residences in tourist accommodation complexes
  • have concluded a time sharing agreement
  • The above third-country nationals may be accompanied by the members of their family to whom, at their request, an individual residence permit is issued expiring together with the residence permit of the sponsor.

For more information, you can download the Brief Guide to Residence Permits for real estate owners in Greece, edited by Enterprise Greece.

The process of Property Investment in Greece

With our highly-skilled professionals, we undertake on your behalf the whole process of property investment, from A to Z. We can assure you that we will do our best to speed up all necessary procedures, minimizing the paperwork and making your property investment acquisition as easier and seamless as possible .

Once you finalize and decide which is your preferred property to purchase, the following process needs to be followed:

Contact us and we will
take care of all the rest.

The period needed from choosing the property until issuing the residence permit is minimum 60 days.

The Wings over Greece Team is fully experienced in assisting you with all the above-mentioned steps, getting you out of any bureaucratic procedures.
